Paper Towns Metaphors

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Paper Towns: Literary Analysis In the book Paper Towns, John Green uses metaphors and symbolism in abundance in order to enhance the quality of the book. These references help the reader to think and stay interested. This book contains an extended metaphor that adds a certain air of repetition to the book. However, every time the metaphor is brought back to the topic you learn a little more of the mystery. Through this book, we follow the main character, Quentin, on a short adventure with the girl next door, Margo. After their adventure Margo disappears and Quentin is left searching for the clues she left behind. As well as trying to puzzle them out with the help of three friends. Most everyone who knows Margo is not concerned…show more content…
Then after the part about the Lords handkerchief he says that maybe it is a metaphor for Gods greatness. Yet the part about grass growing among everyone makes it seem like a metaphor for equality and connectedness. However, the final of this excerpt makes it sound like a metaphor for death. Grass can be a metaphor or symbol for almost anything, you realize that through this poem. Trying to find someone, whom you figure out you don’t truly know, proves difficult for Quentin, his two friends, and Margo’s friend. Once they realize that each of them only know certain sides of Margo, they must use each others knowledge of her to figure out who she really is. It is a very trying process for the four teenagers to put together all the possibilities formed by her clues, as well as her actions. Another powerful metaphor, with multiple meanings, used in this book is the title. Margo is the first to use the term ‘Paper Towns’ in this book. She tells Quentin that Orlando is like a paper town because from above it just looks flimsy and fake, origami-like (John Green).she also says it because once you’re up close it no longer looks perfect and you can see through the cracks in the mask of
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