Paulo Freire The Banking Concept Of Education Summary

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The Literate Arts: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly From the time a child is born, they're being trained for their entrance into the school systems. From birth until about age five, it is the parent's duty to introduce the child into the concept of the literate arts; to get the child socialized into society. In most cases, the child is taught how to read simply, write, color in the lines, count and spell a couple of words. The child then enters the school system, where their advancement in the literate arts becomes apparent. The child is forced to spend the next twelve years retaining information pertaining to the literate arts that may or may not be beneficial to them in the future, and here, is where the ultimate interest piquing question,…show more content…
In his essay, "The Banking Concept of Education" Freire states, "In the banking concept, knowledge is a gift bestowed by those who consider themselves knowledgeable upon those whom they consider to know nothing …" The banking concept of education is a teaching style that is used to drill specific information into presumed empty minds. Freire believes that the application of the banking concept leads to the depletion of critical thinking and analysis, and problem posing education creates critical thinkers. Whether one is participating in the banking concept of education or libertarian education, education is still being acquired. Because literate arts begins at home, it is impossible to break the foundation that has already been laid. What is learned cannot be "unlearned," so literate arts, though being threatened by the implementation of certain education systems, can still prevail at being the foundation for the education received during the employment of the afore mentioned educational…show more content…
School had changed Rodriguez, and that was the epitome of his success. Rodriguez states, "A primary reason for my success in the classroom was that I couldn’t forget that schooling was changing me and separating me from the life I enjoyed before becoming a student." Rodriguez's point was getting to the end of education. The implementation of literate arts in his life essentially left him lifeless because school was his whole existence. Rodriguez based his whole life on literate arts. He read book after book to expand his vast knowledge of the world, and in the end, even though eluded by it, Rodriguez had reached what he called, "the end of education." Literate arts had been Rodriguez's starting point and his ending point. It became his mind. It became his life. Based on the introduction of literate arts into his life, Rodriguez used it to boost himself in the educational realm. In this instance, one can assume that literate arts can be used as more than just a foundation for the thoughts in the mind, it can be used to structure the

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