Jellyfish Vs Salmon Research Paper

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One of the oceans most popular fish is the jellyfish, but is often one of the most feared too. The salmon is a freshwater fish, and isn’t feared that much at all. Even though they are both fish, they have nothing in common. Although the jellyfish and salmon can be dangerous they are both beautiful creatures of nature. The jellyfish’s life cycle, the body structure, and what they eat is different than a salmons. A jellyfish’s life cycle is different than a salmon’s. The adult female salmon lays about a thousand eggs at once. The eggs hatch in about three months, the eggs hatch and grow into alevins. Alevins feed off the yolk-sac for several weeks. The alevins grow into a fry, which is about 5-10 week old fish then develops into a parr, the…show more content…
The female jellyfish releases eggs into the water and the male releases a sperm, the eggs and the sperm join together to create a planula. The planula transforms into a polyp, where it “attaches itself to something hard” (What Life Is Like for a Jellyfish, 2014). It will stay there for several months. “The polyp slows down growth, like the jellyfish is in a deep sleep” (1997 ed., Vol. 11, pp. 98-99). The polyp slowly grows into a strobila. After the strobila grows longer, each segment separates into a free swimming larva, called a ephyra. Which grows into an adult jellyfish. A jellyfish’s life cycle is very different than a…show more content…
The eggs need pure, clean water, with little silt and a small amount of oxygen dissolved in the water” (Salmon Eggs. n.d.). Instead of a hard shell, the shells are soft and transparent. “Because they are cold-blooded, the water temperature controls the rate at which the salmon develop” (Salmon Eggs. n.d.). A salmon and jellyfish have a very different body structure. A salmons body is very unique. Its body can adapt to the water temperature and its surroundings. Salmons have “a tail fin, adipose fin, dorsal fin, lateral line, anal fin, pelvic fin, pectoral fin” (Body Parts, 2012). They also have muscle, a gut, a spleen, a stomach, a liver, a heart, gills, pyloric caeca, a kidney, a ovary, swim bladder, a brain, eyes, and a olfactory rosette. To swim the salmon moves its tail side to side. A jellyfish has “tentacles, a mouth, gonadas, eye spots, stomach pouch, hood (or bell), hood or bell margin, and oral arms” (Jellyfish Anatomy at Animal Corner, 2003). “The jellyfish’s body is shaped like an umbrella, it is supported by a large layer of mesogloea” (1997 ed., Vol. 11, pp. 98-99). To move the jellyfish expands its body and rapidly pulling it back together. Once the jellyfish stops moving it will sink to the bottom of the ocean

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