Interpersonal Relationships

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Part A The purpose of assignment is to understand the human growth associated with each life cycle group. There are total of eight age groups while each has its own stage of development and related tasks. The first age group is of infants and the related stage of development is trusts vs. mistrust. The development task related with given age group is to provide attachment and bonding. The rest age group is of early childhood and the stage of development includes Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt. The development task for this group is to have potty training and self-maintenance. The next age group is of schooling that includes initiative vs. guilty and the related development tasks are academic success, making friends, social competency and friendship.…show more content…
The academic achievements also help individual to develop self-identity. The schooling and right socialistic competency help individual to gradually adopt process of self-identity. The interpersonal relationships get gradually developed from childhood to adulthood through a comprehensive process. The childhood relationship is developed through having mother-child relationship where an individual child came across intimate behaviour from mother in form of love and affection. The family member’s attachment towards child drives the necessary behavioural pattern and helps develop the interpersonal relationships with close ones. The school provides opportunity to have first peer interaction and share communication that gradually develops moving up in adulthood. The interpersonal relationships during schooling lay the foundation to work with larger groups. The friendship gets developed and as an adolescent undergoes physical and emotional changes that help develop necessary interpersonal relationship during…show more content…
The middle childhood intimacy is more towards parents, family members and friends. The level of intimacy during middle childhood is driven through affection, respect and attributes like friendship. The middle childhood seek intimacy as means to drive social interaction, develop relationship with friends and work towards sense of identity. The middle childhood seek intimacy on basis of friendship that is based on activities rather than honesty or self-disclosure. The young adult and adolescent intimacy concept is different that of childhood and friendship is no more just based on activities. The intimacy with opposite sex drives the level of friendship for the young adults. The dating and romance forms the base of intimacy for adolescent and psychological development plays vital role in defining intimacy during that given
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