Effects Of Social Media On Interpersonal Communication

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Introduction The author has chosen to talk about Interpersonal Communications, with the potential research question being, “Has Social Media damaged Interpersonal Communications?” What is Interpersonal Communications? Interpersonal Communications is, “the process by which people exchange information, feelings, and meaning through verbal and non-verbal messages: it is face-to-face communication”, (Anon., 2015), this basically means people communicating through talking, listening or exchanging information and interpretation of this data, i.e. what the reactions of the other person is. It can be seen as the most common form of communication, as it is used every day, not only in a professional capacity but indeed a personal one. What is Social…show more content…
According to (Gurd, 2015), he believes that social media, may be used by others who would generally be quite shy and timid to not deal with face to face contact with others but then it can actually increase a person's communication skills as the person is communicating, but, “in a less implicit way where physical human relationships can't be developed”, (Gurd,…show more content…
In the programme 3 members of the public are asked to take part in an experiment which sees them going on a so called, “social media detox”, where they are not allowed to use sites such as, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat for one week. One member taking part in the programme spoke in detail how his addiction to social media websites was so bad, that he wife had threatened to leave him as they simply, “never talk”. Another member spoke about when in the middle of the week long detox, she had friends over one night and because she could not use her phone, that she found herself communicating a lot more with her friends than she normally does, this lead to the member having in her own words, “a great night chatting to everybody because I wasn’t so easily
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