Therapeutic Alliance In Counselling

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This essay will be a discussion and exploration of the essential counsellor qualities that are promoted for the success of a therapeutic alliance in a counselling relationship. From research it has been indicated that the therapeutic alliance (or working alliance) between counsellor and client has a substantial influence on the outcome of counselling. The alliance is seen as a 'positive emotional bond and a sense of mutual collaboration' (Wolfe and Goldfried, 1988) which is recognized between the counsellor and client. Counselling can have different meanings to different people but the most recognized definition is 'talking therapy', it is a method aimed at giving clients the time and space they need to find out their problems, and resolve,…show more content…
Showing that they are not perfect will enrich the relationship; which makes them as real as can be just like the clients. Another factor of genuineness is demonstrating non-possessive warmth. This is when the counsellor is being friendly towards the client. Showing non-possessive warmth makes the client feel comfortable. We can convey this warmth through body language; posture, proximity, personal space, facial expressions and eye contact, manner of speech; tone of voice, delivery and rate of speech. The second core condition is unconditional positive regard which is a term used by Rogers to describe a technique used in his non-directive, client-centered therapy. According to Rogers, unconditional positive regard includes displaying complete support and acceptance of a person no matter what that person says or does. No matter what is disclosed, the counsellor provides; an overall sense of protection, support or acceptance. The counsellors profound level of caring is a crucial ingredient in providing a safe environment in which the client can come to explore themselves and share deeply with another
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