Internet Safety Speech

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Internet Safety for Teens Nakayla , Paris November.3, 2017 Internet safety Internet safety is one of the most important things to know about. Especially if you are a teen. Here are a few tips and tricks that you should know about the internet and its safety for teens. Main subtopic you have to be focused on is Social media alerts, Teen suicide and cyberbullying, Never trust a Predators, how to be safe on social media. Teen suicide When teens are on the internet some people are getting ridiculously, bullied and this bullying causes teen suicide Hurts people because of a post a judgment of what they feel The teen internet safety edgerly falls in with teen suicide Telling people your…show more content…
Being safe on social media is a life hazard in the world. One way of being safe on social media is never give your information to anyone. The problem is, most people don’t know if they should give their information out or not . The best way to solve this problem is to not go on websites that cannot be trusted. Try to stay on websites with the following links: www, .gov, .edu, and https://. The internet can lead you into hurt-harm and danger to you or your family. For example, intruders coming to your house, being exposed on the internet, and even your location/home getting told to everyone on the internet, and everywhere else. You still always need to understand that you cannot tell anyone where you live or your address. Being safe on social media requires a few things but, you have to be able to no get personal on the internet; be wary of links-and don't overshare. Dont tell all of your personal information on social media and the internet. By doing these things, you can be safe on social media or/and the…show more content…
If someone ask for your social security number-or phone number dont do it. They are mostly predators that go for little kids or teens. This also falls in with child mostliers. they are the strangers and predators. You always have to be careful who you talk to, because you never know if they could be the next intruder coming to your house or a child molester. These are the social media alerts you have to be aware of. You can really be left in dangerous harm. Teen suicide and Cyberbullying Teen suicide and cyberbullying are usually caused by social media . Lesson to learn is not to listen to anyone that cyber bullies you, teen suicide is very important to talk about to any adult, guardian or teacher, as well as a counselor . About 50% half of americans decides to commit suicide, but about the other 50% half of americans doesn’t commit suicide . Its best not to commit suicide at all because people will ask what are those scars on your arms as well as your parents- they will be furious.You were put on this earth for a reason and that isn’t your job to take your own life way because your family would be so hurt; as well as your parents would be hurt if died. What is cyberbullying ? cyberbullying is when someone gets bullied in life once every blue moon for something that they didn’t do- sometimes whenever someone gets bullied someone wants to kill themselves or have suicidal thoughts never do that just don’t

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