International Human Resource Management Literature Review

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Introduction The globalization of economy has stimulated internationalization of businesses and movement of employees among the business entities, positioned across the borders; expatriation and repatriation. That created new challenges for the managers. For which International Human Resource Management (IHRM) is concerned to ensure the success of businesses in global scenario (Brewster and Scullion 1997; Stroh and Caligiuri 1998; Scullion and Starkey 2000) by resolving the issues pertaining to globalization of firms and its employees. As the employees started moving amongst foreign subsidiaries for various assignments, literature started laying focus on expatriation process. And the issues pertaining to it. But the final phase of expatriation…show more content…
As, literature reflects that repatriates’ adjustment problems could be even more traumatic than those difficulties suffered by expatriates (Adler, 1981; Go´mez-Mejı´a and Balkin, 1983; Linehan and Scullion, 2002; Hurn, 1999). Thus, present scenario demands extensive studies on repatriates and issues relating to repatriation process, particularly in the countries where literature is limited on this subject. Studies such as those reviewed here are exceptions in the body of literature, but literature is still very much dominated by the study of adjustment problems of expatriates’ (Kamoche, 1997) and repatriation remains an under explored topic in International HRM literature (Bonache et al. 2001; Suutari and Brewster…show more content…
Then the objective of the study is discussed and afterwards the review of the literature is given. Later few issues regarding repatriation are stated, extracted from the review of literature. Also arguments on the value of repatriation are made and solutions to the problems attached with the repatriation process are stated. And at the end of the paper, future research directions are mentioned. Literature Review The repatriation process is usually a difficult experience for both the individuals and the organizations (Scullion 1994). But generally, companies are hardly aware of the existence of repatriation difficulties, and they consequently do not usually manage or plan the return of their expatriates (Linehan and Scullion 2002; Paik, Segaud and Malinowski 2002). Over that, employees also do not expect to find themselves in difficulties on their return and, therefore, they are not prepared for it (Bossard and Peterson

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