Essay On Plant Maintenance

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As our customers already know, AMACS is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of separation and phase contacting process internals serving a wide range of industries in a timely manner. Another of the benefits of our experience is our ability to work with and organize many different types of plant maintenance. Proper maintenance of plants and their equipment is beneficial because it significantly reduces overall operating cost in addition to increasing the productivity of the plant. However, many in management can often regard plant maintenance as an expensive way to shut down the plant or part of the plant and put it off as long as possible. Depending on the industry, there can be many different types of plant maintenance, but in general, there are five: 1. Maintenance As suggested by the name, maintenance is done outside the tower for the purpose of servicing and maintaining plant equipment in the tower. Maintenance is generally defined as a procedure carried out for any equipment to lengthen its reliability and perform its functions as intended. This work also includes any activity carried out on an asset to repair any equipment that has failed, to keep the asset running, or even to restore to an improved operating condition. The passing years have…show more content…
A shutdown is simply the name used when there is a disruption in the process of a plant. Shutdowns can happen when a plant does not have access to cost effective materials or resources that are necessary for their process. They may also happen in the case of an accident or natural disaster. Since these types of shutdown are not normally planned, a shutdown often immediately affects the supply of the goods or service the plant provides. Shutdowns that happen during the peak season of demand can cause prices to increase dramatically among their

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