Alice's Adventures In Wonderland: An Analysis

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Animate, animation, animated and animator all derive from the latin verb animare, which means "to give life to". Human kind has always shown huge interest in moving images. The dream to generate moving pictures has encouraged some of the biggest and most innovating leaps in the fields of Science and Technology during the twentieth century. As a result animation has received proper recognition as an art form. Animation can defy everything in our world. It challenges our perceived view of space and time, and empowers lifeless things from our daily life with vivid and vibrant properties. The animators are there to provoke us and show us their true possibilities in this art form. Redefining the everyday gives new meanings and acceptance of our existence."Meaning" in animation is constructed by the exclusive vocabulary available to the animator.Czech surrealist animator, Jan Svankmajer…show more content…
The first revelation of Alice's Adventures In Wonderland was on the 4th of July, 1862. There was a crutial passage in Carroll's diary, "I made an expedition up the river to Godstow with the three Liddelles; we had tea on the bank there, and did not reach Christ Church again till half past eight." These brief lines illustrate the first telling of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to Alice, Lorina and Edith Linddell, the beloved daughters of Dean Liddell of Christ Church. Carroll promised to compose his story on his return to Oxford but it took more time before that promise was delighted. The manuscript was completed by January 1863 and it also included illustrations with some of his own pen and ink sketches. Further away he received countless enthusiastic responses after sending it to friends and more especially George MacDonald and Henry Kingsley. The next year and a half of his life was dedicated to polishing his story , but realising his lack of skills as an artist he turned to John

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