Informative Speech Outline

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Speech #2: Informative Speech Outlines Guide Name: Micheal Boor WORKING OUTLINE Topic: What is Big Data? Specific purpose statement: To inform my audience of what big data is and how it can benefit you or your community can benefit. Thesis statement (central idea): Big Data, is in your life; you may not realize the impact it can have on your day to day life.; Organizational pattern: Categorical Pattern Introduction 1. Attention-getter: Big data, what is it and how can it benefit you? 2. Audience relevance: Understanding how companies use cached web searches to crowd source a community, city, state, etc.. 3. Central idea: Large quantities of data that can be analyzed and displayed graphically to determine if there are common themes or threads within a given area. 4. Credibility statement: As a geography nerd; the multitude of applications from…show more content…
Restate the main points: we discussed… 2. Restate the central idea: Remember that large quantities of data that can be analyzed and displayed graphically to determine if there are common themes or threads within a given area. 3. Clincher: The study of big data has the power to help us chart our path for the future. Bibliography Acevedo, Joan. Big Data: 21 Most Asked Questions: What You Need to Know. ebook. Emereo Publishing, 2013. Hoyle, Brian. "Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence and Security." 2004. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Ed. K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. 22 Nov 2014. Marcus, Gary and Davis, Ernest. "Eight (No, Nine!) Problems With Big Data." New York Times 07 April 2014: A23. SPEAKING OUTLINE Insert delivery cues where appropriate. Introduction 1. Attention-getter: Benefit 2. Audience relevance: Crowd sourced data 3. Central idea: identify relevant themes or threads 4. Credibility statement: geography nerd; fascinates me 5. Preview statement: what it is, how can it be used, alternate perspective Transition statement:

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