Winston Churchill's Informative Speech Outline

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Winston Churchill SPS: To inform the audience about the importance of Winston Churchill during WWII when he led his country against the Nazis. Thesis: Without Winston’s leadership, Great Britain would have been lost and the Allies could not have stopped the Nazis advance through Europe. Organizational Pattern: Topical Arrangement Introduction: Winston Churchill was one of the greatest politicians of the United Kingdom. Without Winston’s leadership, Great Britain would have been lost and the Allies could not have stopped the Nazis advance through Europe (Thesis). He became the Prime Minister of the country in 1940, serving until 1945 and again from 1951 until 1955 (The Famous People website. 2015). Not only was Churchill an exceptional politician, but also a great writer, artist, and speaker. His military career began when he started…show more content…
Churchill’s first term as Prime Minister was during the start of the war. a. On September 3rd 1939, Britain declared war against Germany; with this Churchill was again elected the First Lord of the Admiralty and became a member of the war cabinet. b. Prime Minister Chamberlain resigned after Germany invaded Norway and Churchill was invited to form an all-party government. 2. Within a month of Churchill becoming Prime Minister in May of 1940, most of Europe, from Poland to France, had already fallen under Nazi control. a. Before Hitler could invade Great Britain, he first had to take down the Royal Air Force. b. Two days after the peak of the Battle of Britain, Hitler cancelled his plans of invading the country. (National Churchill Museum. 2015) Transition: The next roadblock that Churchill had to overcome was the Blitz on London. 3. On August 31st, the Blitz on London began. a. Hitler order bombers to attack London rather than the airfields. The Germans had bombed London by mistake earlier. (National Churchill Museum. 2015) b. Churchill then ordered retaliation on Berlin, and Hitler

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