Cell Cancer Informative Speech Outline

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According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, each year globally, about 14 million people learn they have cancer, and 8 million people die from the disease. Cancer ended my aunt’s life, she spend her last 3 months in a bed. Her cancer was too wildly spread that no amount of treatment could save her. Body I. The cell cycle is how we go from one cell to two identical cells. A. The cell is going to spend most of the time in interphase. 1. Starting with G1 phase where the cell grows. 2. Following S phase where DNA replication occurs. 3. Continuing with G2 where the cell continues to grow. B. Finally is going to go through mitosis and end up with 2 cells. 1. Mitosis is how we replace cells in our body. (Transition: Mitosis is a very orderly process…show more content…
The nuclei is inside of the cell and is made up of nucleotides that are made up of genes, the genes are made up of DNA. And the genes control the actions of the cell, this includes: A. When cells should make a copy. B. When to stop dividing. (Transition: now that we know how a cell divides we can take a look as to how cancer develops. First let’s define cancer.) III. According to accessscience.com cancer is generally thought to result from one or more permanent genetic changes in a cell. This occurs trough mutations. Mutations are changes in the DNA that affect the cell. Two ways you can get mutations. A. Spontaneous mutations that occur during DNA replication or gamete formation 1. An example would be strand slippage where the parental and daughter stand, slip past each other resulting in bonding that is not perfect. B. Induced mutations caused by our environment. 1. Cigarettes 2. UV radiation C. When a mutation occurs the genes in the cell will sense the mutation. 1. As a result the cell will undergo apoptosis which by definition is programmed cell death. 2. However throughout our lifetime, we experience enough mutations that build up in one of our cells. Thus becoming a cancerous

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