Information Technology In Pakistan

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Information Technology Pakistan is a growing and rising industry that has a lot of potential. The IT industry is regarded as a successful sector of Pakistan economically, even in financial crisis. In this modern days and age, information technology plays a big role. However, if you’re not in the field of information technology yourself, you might not know just how information technology touches your life. Pakistan has over 20 million internet users and is ranked as one of the top countries that have registered a high growth rate in internet penetration. Overall, it has the 27th largest population of internet users in the world. ECONOMIC The World Economic Forum, assessing the development of Information and Communication Technology in the country…show more content…
Using computers and software, businesses use information technology to ensure that their departments run smoothly. They use information technology in a number of different departments including human resources, finance, manufacturing, and security Using information technology, businesses have the ability to view changes in the global markets far faster than they usually do. They purchase software packages and hardware that helps them get their job done. Most Larger businesses have their own information technology department designed to keep up the software and…show more content…
Information technology has also made it faster and easier than ever to send or receive money. It’s now also easier to open an online small business to sell whatever you might want. You can use other websites like Amazon, Alibaba, Darazpk, to sell things. With all the online purchases going on, it’s important that banks and security keep tabs on everything to keep everyone safe. Information technology might just be working its hardest with internet transactions. As more transactions are done, the internet requires more networks, more computers, and more security programs to keep its consumers safe. Without information technology, these purchases would be impossible, and it would be impossible for banks to keep these purchases secure.Information technology also makes it easy for finance to function on a global level. In this modern age, your credit score and credit rating is available online securely.Improvements in information technology have allowed for great reform in healthcare. Information technology has also updated the technology a doctor can use to diagnose or treat you.Doctor can use a computer to create detailed images of your organs along with creating; images that show changes in your body chemistry and blood flow. This can be helpful to find illnesses that aren’t found with blood tests or other medical tests. Laser technology through which you treat your eyes and it will

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