Essay On Milk Industry

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Dairy Milk Industry NAICS Code for milk industry: 311511 Afghanistan is an agricultural country which has many livestock in farms. In spite of, having many livestock does not have enough milk production. The population of Afghanistan is increasing day by day and dairy milk industries are few. It Imports dairy milk production from Iran, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia which is not good for our county economically. I have interested in dairy milk industry to work because of increasing Afghan dairy milk production instead of other dairy milk production. Three trends for dairy milk industry: In recent years, dairy milk production of cow, sheep, goat and camel has increased in Afghanistan. It is a positive impact to industry and it is an…show more content…
People especially purchase cheese and yoghurt a lot. People buy cheese because of its versatility and its low, and buy yoghurt because of its more benefit to health. So, there is an opportunity for milk industry to produce more. Consumer expectations are growing so fast about having information from industry and clearness of food chains. Consumers want that milk industry provide all information about its production nutritional information and sourcing policies. Technologies like data analytic and digital technology are developing industries to provide data in order to get better decisions. Milk Industry has an opportunity to develop its supply clearness and risk of supply. SWOT for dairy milk industry: Strength 1. The best strength of milk industry is having access to technology. It becomes easier to do market research also helps in many other areas in the industry. 2. The best and largest milk industries in Afghanistan. It produces high and standardized quality. 3. Having lots of farmers will be beneficial in the production of having more milk. 4. Dairy Milk industry has positive impact to the economics of villages and the country. People in rural can find job and support their
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