The Importance Of Information Technology In The Library System

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A library is more than a pile of books. A library adds value to information resources by organizing them and making them available. Additionally, a library serves distinct sets of stakeholders communities of frequent, casual, and potential users. Unlike museums, it is seldom the materials in libraries that attract people but rather the ideas carried by the materials, the conceptual structures that support access, and the community of stakeholders who use the library. Because books and other physical information resources and people occupy physical space, libraries have evolved complexes of buildings, rooms, and mobile spaces in which books and other materials and people come together. Thus, places are as much about ideas and states of being…show more content…
Today the advancement of technology has influenced each and every field including the libraries attached to higher educational institutes. The conventional tools available in the libraries and information centers are found inadequate in providing quick access to the exiting information. As a result, the gap between what is available and what is being communicated is increasing. Which seriously affects the quality of research and decision making. Techniques and processes of information management shall have to be oriented to enable an information seeker to access to information more conveniently and comprehensively. Computer and telecommunication technologies have joined hands in locating, organizing,storing, retrieving and disseminating of information technology(it) is developing at a rapid pace and forcing a change in structure and dynamics of information society. The management of these changes indicates a pressing need to develop new and improved strategies to cope with these changes and introduce various innovative methods in lbrary…show more content…
In a true global digital library environment, virtually anyone should be able to access and use a digital library from anywhere in the world. To make digital libraries this versatile is not easy. A number of issue are involved here, including architecture, interoperability and standards. Benefits of Digital Libraries Digital libraries bring significant benefits to the users through the following features: Improved access. Digital libraries are typically accessed through the Internet and Compact Disc-Read Only Memory (CD-ROM). They can be accessed virtually from anywhere and at anytime. They are not tied to the physical location and operating hours of traditional library. Wider access. A digital library can meet simultaneous access requests for a document by easily creating multiple instances or copies of the requested document. It can also meet the requirements of a larger population of users easily. Improved information sharing. Through the appropriate metadata and information exchange protocols, the digital libraries can easily share information with other similar digital libraries and provide enhanced access to

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