Advantages And Disadvantages Of Time Management In The Construction Industry

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A construction involves different activities and people from the initial planning stage through execution stage. PMs with lack of management skills will experience schedule delays and cost overruns. In 2008, CIOB conducted a survey into the management of construction industry and results indicated that more than two-thirds of the projects are not able to complete in the given time due to poor management (CIOB, 2008). In fact, an effectively managing the time and change are the two main key factors for the success of projects (Thomas, 2013). Time management can be defined as the process of recording and controlling time spend by the project team (Westland, 2006). According to PMBOK (2008), they agreed on time management is the process that required managing and there are few processes of time management. For instance, 1) Define project activities 2) Sequence it 3) Estimate the resources 4) Estimate the duration 5) Develop the schedule 6) control it 7) Activity weights 8) Progress curves development and 9) Monitoring progress (PMBOK, 2008). This process is used commonly in a practical industry but sometimes for small or medium size of construction projects would narrow down to focus only a few major…show more content…
Emmit and Gorse, 2007) have once presented their strong views on the importance of conflict within the construction industry and the conflict should be encouraged. Gant and Borcherds (2008) both agreed and added that conflict will improve the quality of decisions and increase the creativities and innovations among the team members. In fact, conflicts that have been managed would bring up the concerns into open and it may clear up misunderstanding and uncertainty (APM Body of Knowledge, 2006). Sometimes, with more people in a project team may provide more different ideas or opinions to solve problems but it may also increase the disagreements and differences of opinions among them (Burke and Barron,

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