Absenteeism In Construction Industry

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STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM In 1995 Reiss postulated a theory that a great deal of project management involves avoiding problems and tackling risks involved in Projects.in this chapter, a thorough investigation will be made on the problems facing the construction industries in the UK and also in Nigeria. Furthermore, a conclusion will be made to know if these problems can be solved in order for any project to be successfully completed. PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS IN UK CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Project Management in construction is a well-established discipline in the UK. The executive Project management structure is widely supported by industry stakeholders and often deployed in procuring public and private sector projects. having described Project…show more content…
The Business Round Table reported that each one per cent increase in absenteeism causes an increase in labour cost of 1.5 per cent. Hence, reducing absenteeism can lead to reduced labour cost. Furthermore, it was observed that absenteeism accounts for a loss of 5 - 15 per cent of available work-time on site. Time Constraints and Excessive Overtime Contractors are often involved in tight schedules to complete phases of work or entire projects, resulting in a need to accelerate construction programs and increase working hours. Excessive overtime has been found to be counter-productive. Work schedules that extend beyond 40 hours per week reduce labour productivity and create excessive inflation of labour costs, without material benefit to the completion schedule. Therefore, the use of overtime to combat time restraints increases construction costs and inhibits long-term improvements in…show more content…
In 2005 Jagboro and Babalola wrote that the interim report of the Presidential panel on contracts at the wake of the present democratic government in Nigeria confirmed a staggering amount of over four hundred and fifty billion naira for project which can be classified as failed contracts, resulting from 1979 to 1998. The main reason for this is not far-fetched as many of the professional firms involved in project administration lack adequate management inputs in both quantitative and qualitative terms. as an example of developing economies (NIGERIA INCLUDED). Certain conclusions were made that the problems of the construction industry in developing economies could be nested in three layers: (1) problem of shortages or inadequacies in industry infrastructure, mainly supply of resources; (2) problems caused by clients and consultants; and (3) problems caused by incompetence of

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