Inequality In Society

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Why Kant we all get along? “Given that inequalities will always exist, what is the best way to allocate wealth, education, healthcare and other benefits in a democratic society? In organizations? IS IT POSSIBLE TO CREATE A FAIR SOCIETY? Living in a democratic society means that we are able to actively participate in how the government runs based on how we choose our officials. We are also able to voice out our opinions in public forums and fight for what be believe in. Justice and equality are values that are being upheld. However, inequalities does exist and this is most prevalent in the distribution of wealth. There is a large gap between the income of the few affluent people as compared to the majority of the population because although we have a democratic society, we embody the capitalist economy. Our society is basically split into the haves and the have-nots, with the gap widening. It is easy to create more money by those who are already wealthy, while every working class people struggle to make ends meet. I think one way in which to equalize this is through tax breaks for the working class. Tax laws should favor those that earn less so that they can provide more for their…show more content…
Although I am a member of the society as a whole, looking at my organization is more personal. In both circumstances, having a fair distribution of wealth is difficult. For the society, because of how our economic system is set up and for the organization, because we take into consideration the qualifications of the employees in meeting the demands of the job. Being in an executive position means that there is more responsibility but working directly with the clients means that they are the ones doing the most work meeting the needs of the clients. I also emphasized the need to give more to those who are earning less just so they can meet their own basic
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