Importance Of Standardization In India

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IMPORTANT FEATURE OF BIS BILL 2015 - Priyanka Khare “Standardization is intrinsic to life and we see its many manifestations in nature and life around us.” Introduction Standard in a lay-man’s language means a level of quality or attainment; or something which is used as a measure, norm or model in comparative evaluations. India, with becoming one of the developing economy is trying its level best in improving the standard of goods and services of the goods produced in India so that the people can enjoy the quality with quantity. As rightly said by our Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, the policy of “MAKE IN INDIA” will not only make India self-sufficient but would also transform Indian into a Global Manufacturing Hub. The initiative took…show more content…
The act came into the support of Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution (Department of Consumer Affairs). Before independence, in India, there were not enough potential sellers and thus standardization was spasmodic and in the hands of few governmental organizations. The consumers were not aware enough about the qualitative aspects of the product and snubbed the same. After Independence, when the citizens of India became aware about the importance of the quality standards of the product they are using, the Government of India recognized the role of Standardization. The Indian Standards Institution (ISI) was, therefore, set up in 1947 as a registered society, under a Government of India resolution with the objective of promoting standardization, quality control and simplification in industry and commerce which has made plenteous progress in carrying out activities like standard formulation, certification, testing of products, international cooperation and standards…show more content…
BIS has so far contrived over 19000 standards over various technologic areas . After Globalisation, the competition in the markets has whopped. The buyers and the sellers both have become much aware about their rights and liabilities in carrying out the business transactions. The need for maintain the quality standards of the products also helps India in proliferating in the International Trade by becoming one of the reliable manufacturer of good and by providing effective and timely services. The headquarters of the Bureau of Indian Standards is situated in New Delhi, five regional offices and twenty branch

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