The Pros And Cons Of Standardization

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Standardization Standardization is the process of gathering, analyzing, classifying, treating, collating and arranging research dissertation subjects for a certain study or project. For Universities to compare the research dissertation results carried out by most undergraduate or master’s level students in university of one group with the results of the other group, such University needs a standardization of its results process. Standardized tests provide the opportunity that each undergraduate or master’s level students in university receives the same questions, time frame, type of testing environment and finally the same resources just like what privileges that were given to other undergraduate or master’s level students in the university.…show more content…
And finally, group 1 performed better than group 2, then we could, we say that group did better, but obviously, the answer is automatically no. In order to be fair enough and to reach an acceptable standardization process, there must be a level playing field for all the groups involved. Only then, we have applied standardization not only in this research dissertation only, but it needs to extend to other areas of our lives. Standardization of the dissertation research process on the impact of mobile money and payment systems in the banking sector in India is very was certainly tasked and lengthy educational journey. Standardization process of my educational institution was fair enough as the quality was allocated to all…show more content…
In other words, if my general acceptable statistical degree of error is fixed at 5%, that means I must work hard in order to obtain 95% level of confidence and my result on the research dissertation on the topic of the impact of mobile money and payment systems on the banking sector in India which will make me to set the result significance level at 0.05 or 5%. If I need to obtain a 99% level of confidence in my result or outcome study means that I must have to set my significance level at 0.01. I can now confidently, state that the difference in the obtained population mean is at around or exactly at the rate of 95% significance level or based at the 99% significance level in order to support this statement. If we used a statistic estimate that there will be a 10% error obtainable while our general acceptable statistical degree of error as 5% only, that means the outcome or research dissertation result will be stated as ‘not significant’. Whenever we want to obtain our level of determining significance, we meant that a difference exists within the stated general acceptable statistical degree of error and that we have to reject the null

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