Picture Attachment Test

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The research goal in Bohlin, Hagekull and Rydell (2000) article was to look for connections between children’s secure attachments as infants to their social competence in later adolescence’s (p.25). Similarly, the study by Fernandes, Santos and Verissimio (2014) also looks at the connections between attachment security and social competence but only until the preschool years. The article discusses how a secure attachment supports social competence as it provides the child with an internal model “how others might respond to his or her social initiations” (Fernandes, Santos, & Veriaaimo, 2014, p. 81). The research for Bohlin, Hagekull and Rydell (2000) study was done through a series of different tests and observations between infancy and 11 year in age. To measure attachment types at infancy the children did the strange situation experiment and at 8-9 years of age, they did a picture attachment test. The picture attachment test consists of being shown 6 pictures depicting separation situations and being asked to explain what might happen next in the story as well as describe how the child might feel. Social competence was measured throughout the study at varying times and was done through both teacher/parent observations as well as…show more content…
35). As well there were interesting finding’s regarding the children’s self-reviews. The children who demonstrated withdrawn and aggressive behaviors “failed to acknowledge their social difficulties in their self-reports” (Bohiln, Hagekull, & Rydell, 2000, p. 35). However, the children “who were merely withdrawn reported more accurately on their problems” (Bohiln, Hagekull, & Rydell, 2000, p.

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