Essay On International Peace And Security

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I should like to begin by conveying the greetings of the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, His Excellency Mr. Nicolás Maduro Moros. I wish to stress the importance to Venezuela of respect for the international rule of law to the maintenance of international peace and security. Throughout human history, war and conflict have caused untold suffering that have hindered social development and economic progress. The prevention of conflicts has therefore always been a shared objective of the international community. Ensuring and maintaining peace as a principle and fundamental right are critical to implement in order to establish better condition to all people. United Nations, as it serves to remind us of the fundamental importance…show more content…
The sovereign equality of States, national independence, unity and territorial integrity, non-interference in internal affairs, non-aggression, the peaceful settlement of disputes, cooperation and the right of peoples to self-determination and the fostering of friendly relations and cooperation among countries, tolerance and peaceful coexistence as good neighbours are the essential ingredients of world peace. The Charter of the United Nations became the first international multilateral legal instrument to expressly and definitively prohibit war as a tool of foreign policy. As such, the development of international law is one of the most important aims of the United Nations. The Preamble sets the goal of establishing conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained. In the course of its history, the Organization has had important achievements in the area of international peace, security and
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