Importance Of Safeguarding

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Safeguarding is an important part of integrated working. When professionals work together in an integrated way, they put the individual at the centre of all activities to help identify their holistic needs earlier to improve their life outcomes. It is important to see safeguarding as part of a continuum, where prevention and early intervention can help children, vulnerable adults and families get back on track and avoid problems turning into a crisis. Protection is a central part of safeguarding and promoting welfare. It is the process of protecting an individual identified as either suffering or at risk of suffering significant harm as a result of abuse or neglect. Standardisation of policy and practice needed nationally. - The need for a…show more content…
This introduced two new legal offences of mistreatment and willful neglect in respect of people who are thought to lack mental capacity. Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. These safeguards came in to effect in April 2009 and only apply to people who lack capacity and who live in residential or nursing home and are not subject to the Mental Health Act 2007, and are being deprived of or severely restricted in their freedoms. The authorization to deprive someone of their liberty should be requested by the care home or hospital in which the person is resident. If authorized there is a maximum of 12 months duration of the authorization but an expectation that it will be much less. The Act defines restraint as the threat of force to help do an act which the person resists, or the restriction of the persons liberty of movement, whether or not they resist. Restraint may only be used where it is necessary to protect the person from harm and is proportionate to the risk of…show more content…
- This is Department of Health guidance on developing multi-agency policies and procedures to protect vulnerable adults from abuse. Social services departments were given the lead role in ensuring that local multi-agency polices and codes of practice were developed and implemented by 31 October 2001. This guidance remains in force until at least 2013. In May 2011 the government published a Statement of government policy on adult safeguarding. The statement sets out the six principles of safeguarding which have ‘taken account of the responses to the public consultation on “No Secrets” in 2008, the implementation of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the drive towards increasing personalization of services.’ The government intends to legislate to make Safeguarding Adults Boards statutory. Local authorities have the lead responsibility for developing local multi-agency safeguarding procedures and ensuring implementation with key partners including the police, health and housing. Adherence to local procedures should form part of the contractual arrangements with care home providers. Providers may also develop more detailed guidance for their
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