Midwife Personal Statement

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Embarking on a midwifery degree is what I feel passionate about, the presence of a midwife is vital through all stages of pregnancy, labour and postnatal care and it would be a privilege to fulfil this position. I want to be a midwife because I want to be able to be part of person's journey helping and supporting them through a positive experience, this career will enable me to empower women and their families to have the pregnancy and birth that they choose. To me being a midwife is the ultimate rewarding job and I could not think of anything more satisfying, than the role of preparing and supporting women for the delivery of a new life. I want to help women experience a healthy and natural birth that requires you to respect their decisions and utilise your expertise as the safety of…show more content…
As a midwife I will come across difficult situations and I believe these experience would be beneficial in helping me to deal with emotionally challenging situations. My career has always been people orientated which has enabled me to develop excellent interpersonal skills and learnt to quickly gain a rapport with people which will be important to a midwife as to gain the confidence of her clients. Being a mentor is an extra responsibility that I take on in my current job, I support the new employee by encouraging and teaching them new skills whilst maintaining awareness of the companies policies and procedures. As a mentor I am able to set realistic targets through good time management and have developed patience and good team working skills, these skills will benefit me through university and further onto the wards. Additionally I have an awareness of the Data Protection Act 1998 as it is very important as I handle personal information. I recognise how important confidentiality is to the NHS and keeping patient information secure and

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