Eymp4 2.3

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Action Plan Identify the procedures for the nursery for storage and administration of medicines In my workplace at the WhiteHouse we have a cupboard mainly based for medication that includes childrens and staffs. The childrens medication are kept up to date incase they become ill during the day at nursery and we can take first precaution with calpol, paracetamol etc. If a child came into nursery with an illness and needed to take different medication for example antibiotics the parents of the child would need to fill out a form as to what the medication is for, what times the child needs to take the medication, the dose of how much medication needs to be taken and expiry dates just to be safe. Describe the importance for physical and mental…show more content…
If you was to have any dietary concerns you would consult with a physician or dietitian to be 100%. Healthy eating needs to be developed and promoted from as early an age as possible to keep children healthy and well so we could encourage young children about fruits and vegetables for example, 'they will make you become super heroes', or even make the food look tasty for example making carrot stick men out of a plain boring carrot to help children feel more comfortable eating healthy foods. Possible consequences of eating unhealthy foods would be children not growing properly, obesity from a young age which could lead to bullying in later life. Recognising allergic reactions would be skin reactions such as redness, swollen face, lips, tongue, anaphylaxis, or anaphylactic shock, which is a severe and life-threatening reaction so we always have to be aware, we do this by avoiding the foods that are a potential allergy and also always reading the labels to the food the nursery buys. Describe the risks and possible consequences for children and young people using the internet, mobile phones and other technologies Children and young people are vulnerable and may expose themselves

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