Importance Of Robust Knowledge

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Robust knowledge, to me robust is means a large and solid amount of something and in this case it is describing knowledge. Therefore this knowledge will be very vast and also have validity. Though more importantly, what is consensus and what is disagreement? Consensus and disagreement are easily two sides of a coin. Consensus is an agreement upon an idea by a group of people. While disagreement being a conflicting group of ideas between people. Both may be necessary for robust knowledge or just one may be. For, each allows the knowledge of a topic to be further developed and understood. Consensus confirms and solidifies information while disagreement can expand on past knowledge and may also challenge it and create new knowledge which must…show more content…
In both history and the natural sciences most, if not all knowledge is created through some form of observation or intuition. Though these observations rely on faith and reason and not just sense perception and intuition. It is through faith and reason that any observations from these areas of knowledge can have a consensus or disagreement or that anyone can intuitively infer what may have occurred. How does consensus and disagreement help build robust knowledge in history? Knowledge in history must be justifiable and have evidence of some form to support it. I cannot say that I wrote this essay in five minutes without some type of evidence, for example a witness to this speed writing or a video of me typing it out. As for a real example, we have recently learned of the possible causes of the Korean War. There are many different views on why this war occurred and each theory has evidence to support it as well as a consensus among historians that it may have happened that way. To my knowledge there are three theories. One is that the Soviet Union conspired with the North Koreans to attack, the second is that the Chinese conspired with the North Koreans to…show more content…
It is through both of these that any scientific theory is proven or disproven. Whenever an experiment is done and gets some surprising result, it is essential that it be done again. This to either confirm the result through consensus or disprove the result as an outlier or biased data through disagreement. There are many great examples of this happening by and far the example is the recent “vaccine scare”. This is an example of when the scientific community comes together to reach a consensus that something is clearly wrong with certain data. The disagreement was that vaccines were causing autism among horrible disease in children. This was immediately disputed by most all of the scientific community. Many researchers showed their own data to disprove that which said vaccines were causing harm. It is the consensus of the scientific community that vaccines are beneficial for people. They prevent illness while not causing them. In this case robust knowledge is created through a massive consensus in the scientific community. All in an attempt to prevent people from not vaccinating their children out of fear of this one study. The natural sciences heavily rely on these mass consensus to create robust knowledge. These consensuses allow for knowledge to be understood and regarded as something with validity and truth. The natural sciences also rely on disagreements to further knowledge and understanding. An example of

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