Compassion In Sports Science

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Compassion: “Act of showing kindness, caring and a willingness to help others” Someone who is displaying an act of compassion has an awareness and sympathy for another’s sufferings and want to do something about it. Someone who has a sympathetic consciousness of others. (, 2016) In my opinion an example of a person in the sports science field displaying compassion is their willingness and enthusiasm to help a patient with an injury to recover, or help an athlete with knowledge and practice to achieve their goals on the sports field. Being patient and listening carefully to what your patients have to say, showing interest and interacting with great enthusiasm. An example of a person in the sports science field displaying compassion…show more content…
It is something for which you take liability for. Being responsible also means accepting and admitting the state of being the person who caused something to happen. Acting responsible also means being accountable for the consequences of your actions. In my opinion an example of a person in the sports science field acting responsibly is working in a way that will benefit your patients, keep up to date with recent injury prevention, cause and treatment knowledge, be on time for patients appointments, do what is right for your patients, be responsible to help patients in the appropriate manner no matter what the situation is. An example of a person in the sports science field acting in a responsible way is when testing make sure that all the machines or equipment are set up properly in order to avoid any injury or discomfort for the patients, always take measurements and readings with great accuracy and if mistakes are made be accountable for your mistake and ask the patient to retest instead of using incorrect

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