Importance Of Project Control

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1) PROJECT CONTROL: Project controls are the various categories of work which is done while developing the software like gathering, management and analytical processes which are used to predict , understand and constructively influence the outcomes like time and money of a project or program, through the communication of information in formats that assists effective management and decision making. DETECT DEVIATIONS MONITORING CONTROL 1. Measurement 1. Actions 2. Performance analysis 2. Revised plans, cash flow CORRECT DEVIATION HOW CAN WE TELL WHEN IT IS NEEDED? Project control is needed in various areas while developing the project. The project control basically tracks the flow of the project development.…show more content…
IMPROVING ACCOUNTABILITY- most organisations recognize the importance of providing opportunities for those affected by aid efforts to ask questions and to voice concerns or complaints. Some thought that the feedback gives the pressure to the development team to make changes in operation. 2. IMPROVING EFFECTIVENESS- the organisations that have maintained on-going primary stakeholder feedback mechanism throughout the cycle of a project reported greater results and higher satisfaction compared to prior projects that did not include as much recipient feedback. 3. RESPONDING TO DONOR REQUIREMENT AND /OR MEDIA PRESSURE- Some organizations have sought recipient feedback due to pressure from donors t demonstrate recipient involvement. 4. INCREASING SECURITY FOR STAFF- for several agencies, instances of violence against staff working in difficult environments were reduced after they improved their communication and feedback processes with affected communities. Though increased dialogue and better communication, organisations that had been experiencing violence or threats eventually found themselves on positive items with local communities, and in some cases were even protected by the local community from armed…show more content…
INSUFFICIENT RESOURCES- when creating a feedback system, organizations need to decide early on how much funding and staff time to commit to gathering and responding to recipient feedback. When the responding to the feedback is not done the people on the ground felt a disconnection with aid providers and increased dissatisfaction. 3. LACK OF SENIOR MANAGEMENT BUY-IN – Unless feedback system are clearly prioritized, especially by senior management, the processes may fall to the bottom of the pile when staff are over whelmed by other commitments. 4. SOME VOICES ARE MARGINALIZED- many organisations rely on community groups or key representations to provide information or facilitate communication directly with communities. 5. TIME CONSUMING REPORTING POLICIES- due to the increased pressures for reporting and improving accountability by some donors, many organisations and their staff feel overwhelmed and exhausted by all of the reporting requirements. When the demands are overly time-consuming and complicated , field staff may not be convinced of the value of more participatory approaches and additional feedback

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