Importance Of Passion For Science

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Research to me is a process by which the use of creativity can uncover great secrets about the world. As someone who is continually challenging the creativity of the mind, research is something that truly excites me and encourages me to explore these secrets deeper. When I first stumbled upon this opportunity, it resembled that of the UM Scholars Summer Research program I participated in last summer. In that program, not only was I exposed to basic biomedical research, weekly seminars and a final poster presentation, but I was given the opportunity first hand to dive deep into the world of research. This to me is really what it is all about, having the opportunity to not be an observer, but a true participant. I am learning from this past…show more content…
My passion for science has inspired me to delve into the world of research and I hope that I can continue exploring different aspects of research as time goes on. My inspirations and aspirations during this past summer and the mentorship I received from my principal investigator truly propelled me onto this path. Encouraged and excited about doing research, I even decided to reach out to researchers at the University of Maryland, and eventually was able to secure a spot in Dr. LaRonde’s lab at the University of Maryland where I will perform research during the school year. It is not only my passion for science, but also my eagerness for creative solutions to the infinite problems within our biological world that inspires me to continue gaining valuable research experience. Since a young age, I have always looked to be creative and find solutions to complex problems and I feel that this is what inspires me to continue with such a passion now. This program will be a perfect fit for me to continue doing so and thus I feel my attributes and experiences have developed me to become someone who is confident, competitive, and inspired to flourish in a program such as
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