Importance Of Negligence In Health Care

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“Any doctor not fulfilling the standards and quality of care in the appropriate treatment that are set out in these Clinical Guidelines will have this taken into account if, for any reason, consideration of their performance in this clinical area is undertaken.” Department of Health, 1999.1 The failure to provide the proper medical treatment was done by a doctor or nurse will cause harmed in medical malpractice. Fortunately, only a few numbers of healthcare workers make mistakes in some of cases. But within that small minority of cases, certain types of errors keep repeated nowdays. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, it defines negligence as “a want of attention to what ought to be done or looked after,” a failure to match up…show more content…
Malaysia has made policy to act as a support of comprehensive and efficient service which provide optimum care to the patient parallel to the advancement in obstetrics and gynaecology. The policy stated that the medical profession should reduce the physical, language, and other barriers during the delivery of the services. As in this case, she claimed that the nurses used high tone speech and words full of sarcasm during labour phase. She feel offended and did not satisfy with the care provided. Generally, we can see that there are many opportunities in which if we have seriously taken our responsibility as the health care profession, the harmed to the patient can be avoided. As in this patient, the patient claimed that episiotomy procedure was done by the nurses without informing her. This situation follow the general statement about the nature of the negligence does not provide a standard care which exposed patient to unreasonably dangerous. As we all know the episiotomy refers to the surgical incision of the skin between the vagina and anus made during the child delivery. This procedure took part in preventing the perineal…show more content…
The various genital tract injuries reported were vaginal hematoma, extension episiotomy or vaginal lacerations, and excessive bleeding from the episiotomy. Although, most of the study shown that there is significant low rates of the complications of episiotomy. However the health care worker should have the consent of the patient in order to proceed with any surgical procedure. Generally, the consent is about patient autonomy which means patient need to understand and freely agree to the treatment. This consent can be withdrawn at any time. The healthcare provider must accept and support refusal and withdrawal of the consent even if they disagree with the patient. Other than that, the consent process can be affected by complexity of the treatment, patient condition and ability to understand information regardless the treatment is emergence or elective. Consent also can be obtained in certain situations such as medical emergency, it can be ignored or sometimes even

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