Popular Work-Assignment: Comparing Scientific And Popular Work

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Comparing Scientific and Popular Work- Assignment A 1 Comparing Scientific and Popular Work- Assignment A Natalie Kendell-Rechsteiner University of Groningen Comparing Scientific and Popular Work- Assignment A 2 The humanistic school of thought was first developed in the 1950`s. Compared to other schools of thought (i.e structuralism, Gelstat, behaviourism, etc.) it was a relatively new branch of Psychology. Contrary to previous methods, these psychologist focused on the positive aspects of the human experience (Gazzaniga, 2013). This was fundamental because prior to this time emphasis was mainly put on treatment after health issues arose. This branch of psychology did not fail to acknowledge other areas of study, but placed emphasis on…show more content…
Today, this school of thought no longer exists, but has transformed into what is known as the field of positive psychology. Positive psychologists believe happiness has three main components: (1) positive emotion and pleasure, (2) engagement in life, and (3) a meaningful life (Seligman, Steen, Park, & Peterson, 2005). Many popular magazine articles like to draw attention to their product by over emphasizing points, and drawing false conclusions in order to entice their readers. However, when it comes to articles related to positive psychology, the correlation between scientific studies and pop culture are very similar in their focus. As previously mentioned, the three components of happiness are addressed and emphasized in both sources. The differences, of course, are that scientific

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