Food Processing Industry In India

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Study on food processing sector Food processing industry in India is a sunrise sector that has gained prominence in the recent years. Availability of raw materials, changing lifestyles and appropriate fiscal policies has given a considerable push to the industry’s growth. This sector serves as a vital link between the agriculture and industrial segments of the economy. Strengthening this link is of critical importance to reduce waste of agricultural raw materials, improve the value of agricultural produce by increasing shelf-life as well as by fortifying the nutritive capacity of the food products; ensure remunerative prices to farmers as well as affordable prices to consumers. Adequate focus on this sector could greatly alleviate our concerns…show more content…
The Government can act as a facilitator between growers and the food processing industry. The10th edition of the 3-day Indian Food Processing and Food Technology Fair. Food processing sector has become a catalyst for the development of Indian agriculture and is of enormous significance to development. Food processing is one of the key industry sectors which would ensure inclusive growth, he added. India to create a brand for itself in the agro and food processing industry. He said, private sector can play an instrumental role in promoting the food processing industry. FDI flowing into the retail business, cold chain facility is poised to get a shot-in-the-arm. There is certainly an opportunity for India to create a brand in the agro and food processing industry. SWOT…show more content…
The Government has made commendable efforts to promote investment in the industry by way of channeling resources through various schemes as subsidies and grants. The schemes included development of integrated cold chains, Mega Food Parks (MFP), Modern Terminal Markets (MTM) and bulk storage facilities as well as modernization of markets, quality control laboratories and abattoirs. These efforts have placed the food processing industry on a high growth trajectory as reflected by the increase in food processing from 6 per cent in 2005 to 11 per cent in 2009. Though low levels of processing and market share in the global arena suggest an untapped opportunity to capitalize on India's enormous raw material base and propel exports, they also indicate critical challenges to be trounced to sustain continual growth of the industry. Supply side factor: Small and dispersed marketable surplus due to fragmented holdings, low farm productivity, high seasonality, perish ability and intermediation result in lack of distribution on supply and quality, and in turn, impede processing and

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