Pros And Cons For Coaching

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FOR COACHING In simple practical terms, coaching involves four key stages: Competency……assessing current level of performance Outcomes…..setting outcomes for learning Action………..agreeing tactics and initiate action Checking……giving feedback and make sense of what’s been learnt. First, Competency When an opportunity to coach arises, e.g.: through a request for help or when someone makes mistakes, avoid the quick fix approach. The temptation is to jump in and take over, and tell people what to do. But don’t. The first stage of coaching is to find out what people are currently doing or have tried. In other words, what are they competent at doing? You need to do this in order to: ●Give you a base for starting to coach ●Influence what you…show more content…
The secret for the coach is to create a compelling vision for people to buy into. Outcomes are really objectives. Outcomes are really objectives. However, all too often objectives - though technically correct - fail to excite and enthuse those on the receiving end. The result is that they get lost somewhere in the organization’s appraisals system. When setting outcomes you also have an opportunity to change people’s perceptions of themselves. For example, some people may have a view that they just do a job. However, you may see them as part of a team/organization providing a key service to others. The successful sports coach creates a picture, in the minds of those being coached, of what success will look like. What to do? As a coach in business you can do the same by asking the person: ●‘What do you really want to achieve?’ ●‘What will success look like, what will you see happening, hear yourself saying,…show more content…
To do this both parties have a part to play in: ●Looking for opportunities to try something ●Creating situations to practice and experiment ●Agreeing - What can be done? - What authority people will have? - What freedom they have to make mistakes (for this reason be careful about activities with safety implications) What to do? Set up the action stage by asking questions and exploring options, e.g.: - ‘So what could we do/try?’ - ‘How might we go about it?’ ‘What opportunities have we got?’ ‘What if we tried? Fourth, Checking As a coach you’re trying to help the learner: ●Check progress against their outcome, ie: how they are doing ●Make sense of what they have learnt ●Improve through providing feedback ●Set higher outcomes if necessary; some skills are acquired slowly and in stages ●Have the confidence to do it themselves without needing your help What to do? You need to get them thinking; so ask plenty of open questions: - ‘How you do feel/how are you getting

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