Education In Saudi Arabia Essay

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Introduction Over the past decade, education has grown dramatically and people are becoming aware of the importance of education. The number of educational institutions and universities are also increased. At present, challenging environments expectations from the principals are more than ever to improve learning and teaching (Davies et al, 2005). Academic institutions and systems have faced pressure of increasing numbers of students and demographic changes, demands for accountability, reconsideration of the social and economic role of education. This report will explain the education system in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), and the effects and influential factors of technology on the Saudi Educational System. Finally, this report attempts…show more content…
Teacher education is a key factor for better quality of education (Mosa, A. 2001). General education teachers in Saudi Arabia are required to have a bachelor degree from a college of education that related to the subject which they will teach (Mosa, A. 2001). Saudi Arabia has a four to five – years college program for teacher preparation to meet the needs of general education. Usually, the last semester, is organised to work in school environment. A student who intent to be a kindergarten teacher has to enrol to specific program form school of education that gives more attention studies which meet the needs of early childhood education. However, not all Saudi preschool teachers have the necessary preparation to meet the children education’s requirement. Therefore the level of education of Saudi preschool teachers varies broadly (76% are not specialized in early childhood education) (Gahwaji.N , ‎2013). This percentage has affected on the quality of kindergartens’ education. Currently, ministry of education in Saudi Arabia (MOE) organised a training program for preschool teachers aims to implement curriculum of preschool education and provides teachers knowledge and understanding of how child learns and develops (Gahwaji.N ,

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