Importance Of Human Resource Planning

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Nowadays every organization that is unable to manage their forces needed and by planning timely cant prepare them for new responsibilities, cannot hope to achieve their goals and ensure their growth and survival. In today's world and intense competition in the field of international, organizations need to energetic and creative forces to help them to achieve organizational goals. It is tragic; managers thinking that the results of promising manpower planning know insufficient and it is pleasure, managers who have found the large magnitude of any organization are its people. Therefore manpower planning is center stage. In nowadays and according to changes and moving very rapid that socioeconomic factors create in relation to changes technology…show more content…
With human nature being what it is, employees test limits and act creatively in workplace situations. Thus, there is a need of strategy for developing, communicating and enforcing a set of policies and practices that reflect standards of acceptable behavior. HR satiates this requirement and a successful HR strategy is the one, which extends beyond the drawn boundaries and recognizes and addresses people’s needs. HR is finally garnering respect in companies of all sizes and across many industries. CEOs and boards of directors are learning that human resources can be one of the biggest game i.e. changers in terms of competitive advantage. The success of a business strategy lies in people's execution. That is why the HR manager has become an equal partner at the strategic…show more content…
Other activities also include managing organizational approach to employee benefits and compensation, maintaining employee records and framing personnel policies. There are many different types of people, and not surprisingly, they react differently to different situations. For example, some people prefer there should be a written policy for everything, while others favor having no policies at all and would leave everything open to interpretation as situations arise. Neither of these extremes contributes to a work environment that is conducive to high productivity levels. Thus a well-defined HR function is a one with the right number and types of policies and practices focusing on the primary goal of improving individual performance in the

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