Land Development In Malaysia

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. INTRODUCTION: As it widely known wetlands, watersheds and wildlife habitats are amongst the most important and economical factors that are found almost every where in the world as the most productive ecosystems in the world. However, the basic concepts of wetland, watershed and wildlife habitat can be explained as follows. i- Wetland- (Cowardin, 1979) defined wetlands as lands characterized by a general or dominant factor of being filled with water atleast if not through out the year but mostly half of the year which determines the kind of soil development and the types of living things that resides on its surface. Wetlands can be termed by different names which can include marsh,bog, and swamp as the case maybe. Wetlands has so many components…show more content…
A sustainable environment or community that is able to provide the needs of the present without affecting the capability of meeting future needs to the upcoming generations. Needs of people differ as some are in urban and some are in rural so therefore the area needs to be assessed to meet their individual needs. b- To Manage Conflicts between the citizens: Land use planning in Malaysia is sometimes more or less an opportunity as well as threats and expected to provide both sustainable development and a good living environment and as such has to cope with cases of conflicts in the view of achieving these aims. So therefore, by implication the future and progress of land use planning virtually depends on the ability to resolve these conflicts and create a sustainable and conducive environment. These sustainable development tends to resolve the conflicts among economic development, preservation of the ecology. Conflict arise from competition of the consumption of the available natural resources and the ability to sustain them to reproduce in the future. These conflict creates a barrier that block the unity of opposing goals to ensure development and sustainability. Conflicts are…show more content…
Great use or changes in practices of management mostly leads to changes and pressure. Therefore, theres absolute need to consider monitoring in environmental issues in planning and policy-making which is of utmost concern today considering the impact imposed by development.In land use planning, a team is set aside after implementation of the land use to checkmate the efficiency and effectiveness of policies of land use and the system of land use planning in conservation of the environmental quality. At a certain point in time to access the changes identified in the land use that might be a limitation to achieving the desired objectives and know the causes of the change and also progress made to show it is really achieving the desired objective can be a reality so that policies can be reviewed and changed. Monitoring is very vital as it serves as a detriment of making changes or to make progress with a kind of land

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