Strategic Planning In Business Planning

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Business planning is a process that follows the logic input-transformation-output. The inputs are given in the information to be provided by the areas of the business, such as: commercial or marketing, production of logistics, human resources and finance, the economic area or planning to it is to draw up a proposal based plan as possible. The transformation can be seen in the application of the techniques and necessary for the development of the analysis plan, and the output is specified in the document logical, orderly and structured known as the business plan (Hill, et al., 2014). Many companies have mission and institutional vision and make efforts to reach but not systemically, which produces mistakes and sometimes the abandonment of long-term…show more content…
The viability of businesses today (regardless of size, activity sector) is determined by the ability to have the organisations to assess and react to their immediate results, seen in the context of strategic objectives in the medium and long term. Planning in business is an essential elements to achieve results (consolidated and grow), which in a market economy leads to survive in a competitive, sustainable and sustainably (Wheelen, Hunger, 2011). Hence, a focused and detailed inquiry on the impact of strategic and financial planning on the business performance of British Oil will extend the existing body of evidence on the strategic dimension of business in oil and gas…show more content…
For Shapiro (2008) it is possible to achieve a greater understanding of business creation project, have the ability to estimate future conditions, quantify and qualify the risks associated with the operation and evaluate the modus operandi and strategies referred, to establish certain scenarios, and most importantly, have a strategic basis for the creation of sustainable enterprises in time. Horne and Wachowicz (2008) suggest that financial planning must be done across the board in the various studies of the business plan, since experience indicates that the financial component is one of the weakest due to lack of training entrepreneurial teams in the field, leading to a breakdown of the different components with the financial results; In other words, do not talk so that qualitatively expressed in financial terms (Correa, Jaramillo,
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