Hrd In Tourism Industry

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The journal article studied is written in regards to examining the Human Resource Development (HRD) approaches of Tourism Industry while utilizing Air India Ltd., New Delhi as the subject in enriching the potential of its workers. It is set on identifying the issues, problems and inadequacies confronted by the industry while rectifying them in accordance to the needs of each personnel as well as integrating the traits of HRD into the organization using every relevant human resource structures. In this context, a number of issues that pose a concern to the industry are known to be the lack of skilled labors and instructors, few suitable policies for HRD and the little influence to contend with other countries. The importance of the study is…show more content…
Besides that, it emphasizes on assessing the development of tourism industry in India, recommending measures for the authorities in advancing the industry and shaping each individual to prepare themselves for present and future responsibilities in the tourism sector. The study also deduced that India must first improve their human resource in order to witness progress in the tourism industry. In this context, HRD plays a very significant role in selecting and employing suitable candidates who are potential assets in the sector. Moreover, the human resource also make available training and development plans as a vital step in developing employees’ talents with the vision to bring greater contributions in their present and future work positions. In order to increase the level of satisfaction among employees, the human resource also help to provide opportunities for the recognition of employees’ contribution as well as meeting of their…show more content…
Various conferences are designed to review and discuss a wide range of issues linked to HRD while relating it to the production of organization whether locally or internationally. By attending conferences, the organization’s human resource management is able to further analyze and discuss the current condition of the industry theoretically and practically with the others. This will allow the analysts of the organization to generate appropriate and strategic interventions in solving various circumstances confronted by the industry. In reference to the successful applications of human resources interventions from other countries, this may help to reduce unnecessary expenditure on training and development purposes. Also, it may help to grant higher profits and improved performance for the organization. For instance, when the top management attends conferences for the discussion regarding current crises faced by other organizations, it is very likely for them to generate strategic and concrete solutions in resolving the issues based on the suggestions and types of interventions adopted from

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