Importance Of Ethics In Social Media

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Introduction During recent years the number of people using with social media has been growing tremendously. Social media platforms hold huge quantities of arising data, from consumer behaviors, to attitudes towards environmental policies, to political views and preferences. This provides researchers with an enormous chance to collect data that would have otherwise taken a lot of time and resource to attain. Yet this chance is accompanied by the duty to ensure that how we collect and reuse data is done to the uppermost ethical standards. Some of the ethical concerns in researching with social media are the following: Private vs. Public? One of the major areas of concern with social media data is the extent to whether such data should be considered public or private data. The opener to this argument is the point of view that social media users have all agreed to a set of terms and conditions for each social media platform that they use, and within these terms and conditions there are provisions on how third parties,…show more content…
Thus, discussions on ethical standards in social media research need to be active too. Hence, this set of guidelines should be flexible; we hope to see new frameworks develop because changes to the uses of social media make this essential. Eventually, the responsibility lies with the researcher and his or her consistent ethics committee to ensure an ethical approach is taken to the collection, analysis and re-use of data collected from social media platforms. This framework, or any framework that surpasses it, cannot be strict. Each social media research context is different from the other, and has a unique set of characteristics and ethical challenges. We hope that this framework will provide researchers with the decision-making tools they need to proceed with the most workable and ethical approach to their social media

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