Deontology Based Ethics In Australia

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Ethics are personalised, they are a set of rules or systems which are set-out by an individual or group of people. Ethical standards dictates; how one lives; how one makes decisions; how one behaves; and how one interacts with others. Ethical systems starts from childhood and develops through maturity, community interactions, culture, experiences, education level, social and economical status and religious beliefs. It is ethical systems that distinguish what is morally right and wrong, good and bad and are mostly used in the resolution of conflicts where two competing moral rules collide. 

Modern Australian business’s and government organisations across Australia find it very important that their core purpose and structure be consistent through…show more content…
This is achieved through ethical systems, most commonly referred to as, ‘Codes of Conduct’, which establishes the common understanding of the standards of behaviour expected by the employees of business’s and organisations across modern Australia as we know it today. 

However, moral principles are also set by the ethical standards of the community to make out that, for example, disobeying the law is wrong, arguing with your parents is wrong, and leaving your rubbish on the ground is wrong. 

Ethics ultimately establishes how a person, community, business and government should act in order to achieve the ultimate good in life for others and themselves. 

Question Two
Part A - Deontology Explained
Deontology based ethics relies on acts themselves, rather than the consequence of the act, to determine the morality of a situation. The ethics of deontology places special emphasis on the relationship between duty and the morality of human actions. Under this form of ethical behaviour, one cannot justify the morality of an action by showing that the result or consequence was good. Deontological ethics makes it imperative that a person fulfil’s his or her duty to act accordingly, despite a bed result. The two deontology based principles, the ‘Hypothetical Imperative’ and the ‘Categorical Imperative’, are described by deontology’s most influential philosopher,…show more content…
The concept of deontological ethics are based on being ethical, based around treating others in the same manner you would like to be treated, irrespective of the consequence. Immanuel Kant believed in categorical imperatives as for according to Kantian ethics, if an action passes the categorical imperative described by Kant, the act is ethical, with everyone having equal worth and doing as what one would allow others to do. It can therefore be concluded that Kantian based, deontological ethics, emphasises a good moral standard by which Immanuel Kant wanted to set through his development of what is a ‘Categorical Imperative’. 

Part B - Consequentialism Explained
Unlike deontology, consequentialism is the approach to ethics that argues that the morality of an action is to be determined by the good and bad consequences of ones conduct. Thus, from a consequentialists point-of-view, a morally right act is one that will produce a good outcome. 

Consequentialism based ethics takes on many forms, but the utilitarian outlook was most influenced by philosopher, Jeremy Bentham. The utilitarian theory is based on the ‘Utility Principle’ which makes a morally right action, one that produces the most good, pleasure, happiness

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