Importance Of Business Communication

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Section A Part 1 1. Definitions i) Communication is a process that can be used two-way or one-way to express feelings and opinions about a matter. In fact, communication have different meanings as it can be used in everything in life we do. It is an unavoidable thing that we all use. Without communication it will be impossible us to achieve anything or express our feelings and opinions about a thing or a matter. ii) Communication can be meant as a process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange information, news, ideas and feelings but also create and share meaning. In general, communication is a means of connecting people or places. iii) In business, it is a key function of management. An organization cannot…show more content…
In some companies the employee or the worker may not be able to straightly speak to the manager or chairman, so that he have to follow the communication approach to share or express his feelings to the manager. There are many benefits of communication that can be pointed out in a workplace or in our life also. For example, in a company, if the communication is not going well, there are possibilities to arise the conflicts. If you are communicating with each other, it will be easier to reduce conflicts and solve the problems in the working area. This can create a stronger relationship with the co-workers and even with the superiors. Having a stronger relationship in the working environment helps to share your thoughts and ideas with others and come up with much greater ideas with all combined. And being in a better relationship with other workers will help you to be…show more content…
To succeed in workplace we need to learn these skills. These are skills that can be built up over time and they will help communicate effectively in the workplace both verbally and in written format. i) General Communication Skills Having a good communication skills is essential to succeed in any workplace but. Being aware of the needs of others and communicating in an interesting way is important to engage others and pass on information in an effective manner. ii) Cultural Differences When communication with people from around the world, it is very important to consider the other people’s cultural background. Both companies and individuals need to understand the cultural differences and consider how communication can take place when people from a different cultural background it is important to have an understanding of how they communicate. iii) Modulating Voice When we are communicating with the audience, it is important that we address our audience in an interesting manner. It includes speaking clearly by changing the tone time by time. iv)
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