Biopsychosocial Model Analysis

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When conducting a mental health assessment, individuals are assessed using the biopsychosocial model. The biopsychosocial model is an interdisciplinary assessment framework developed in 1977 by psychiatrist George L. Engel (Tasman, Kay, Lieberman, First & Engel, 2013). This frameworks emphasises the importance of a comprehensive, systemic outlook on human functioning and development (Meyer & Melchert, 2011). It suggests that one’s health, illness, and health care delivery are determined by the dynamic relations between biological, psychosocial, and social factors (Tasman, Kay, Lieberman, First & Engel, 2013). When assessing a client, it is imperative to address these factors in regard to how they may contribute to the onset of their illness and how they may be retaining the problem behaviour for…show more content…
The biopsychosocial model has been linked with a remarkable change in focus from disease to health, understanding that biopsychosocial factors largely control recovery (Lakhan, 2006). The first component of the biopsychosocial model, is biological. This component examines how the cause of illness forms from the functioning of the body (Patidar, 2013). Biological influences affecting health and illness can incorporate genetics, nutrition, hormones, infectious agents, alcohol/ medication abuse, toxins and physical trauma ('The Biopsychosocial Model of Health and Illness', 2015). Secondly, the psychological component examines possible psychological factors that can contribute to the onset of a health issue. These can involve lack of willpower, negative thinking, emotional instability, history of trauma, as well as ones’ personality. Individuals at risk
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