Importance Of A Wheelchair

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Base of Support Refers to the total area beneath the wheelchair that includes every point of contact that the wheelchair makes with the ground. E.g. surface area outlined by the wheels (1) The base of support is relatively small. No. of wheels: There are two caster wheels at the front and two large wheels at the back. Camber: All of the wheels have zero camber meaning that they are dead straight and limit the area of the base of support. Tyre pressure: Low tyre pressure which increases rolling resistance but decreases the risk of a puncture. This ensures that a higher percentage of the tyre surface area is in contact with the ground. Wheel positioning: The wheels of the wheelchair are positioned closer to each other, the front wheels are placed behind the footrests and the closer proximity results in a smaller base of support. The base of support is larger than the general use wheelchair. No. of wheels: There are five wheels in total, the standard four and a 5th wheel which is added to the back to prevent the chair from flipping backwards during play. Camber: The two large wheels at the back usually have a negative camber which is when the top of the wheel is angled inwards, towards the wheelchair, and the bottom of the wheel is angled outwards. Increasing the camber of the…show more content…
The negative cambering brings the wheels closer to the body for more effective propulsion. It also makes the wheelchair easier to steer and more stable when turning (by increasing the lateral width of the base). (5) The cambering of the wheels on a basketball wheelchair reduces the turning circle because it creates a turning moment advantage compared to the general use wheelchair with vertical wheels. The turning moment is a form of torque acting about the centre of gravity.

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