ISO 9001 Case Study

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The ISO 9001 can be traced back to the Second World War, a period in the world’s history during which, the world was in turmoil and chaos. There were frequent bomb explosions even in unexpected scenes and during unexpected times. In the United Kingdom, a number of explosions had been reported in weapon construction industries. These explosions were neither intended attacks by the United Kingdom Government nor attacks from external forces. These attacks were rather as a result of accidental bomb explosions in the industries attributed to adherence to wrong procedures or failure to follow the correct manufacturing procedures. As a result, the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense decided to act promptly by having manufacturing inspection committees…show more content…
Many industries decided to surrender their specific standards and adopted the same British Standard, which had, by the year 1979, evolved into the BS 5750. A common standard could assist in production of goods and services that could find any applicable use anywhere in the world. Also, the standard could ensure that goods produced by various companies, whether similar or not, were safe and reliable. There was a shift of burden introduced in which the inspection of the quality of the final products and the correctness and adherence to procedural guidelines of the manufacturing processes was a burden relieved from the consumer and placed on the ISO’s shoulder. The British Standard BS 5750 then gradually evolved into the ISO 9000: 1987, which introduced three degrees of Quality Management Systems. The first degree was the ISO 9001: 1987, whose emphasis was placed on the production, installation, design, and development and servicing of either new or existing products. ISO 9002 was another degree of the ISO 9000: 1987 standard whose emphasis was placed on the production, servicing and installation of products and services. ISO 9003, the last degree of the 1987 ISO standard, focused on inspection of finished industrial products to ensure that they conformed to quality standards. Generally, the 1987 standard contained twenty elements whose emphasis…show more content…
The main objective of conducting the 1994 revision was to drop some of the irrelevant practices that had been included in the ISO 9000: 1987 standard. A clear observation of ISO 9000: 1987 shows that the standard was too much focused on paperwork rather than Quality Management. The paperwork resulted from the many detailed procedures that a company had to follow. These procedures were offered, decided, defined and corrected by the ISO 1987
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