Corruption In Nigeria

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The Media and War against Corruption in Nigeria Introduction The media and society are like the two sides of a coin mutual and inseparable, each determines the other in a peculiar way. The main functions of the media in society are for surveillance, correlation, transmission of culture information dissemination, management, instruction and mobilisation (Harold Lasswell1948; Wilbur Shcraumm 1964; Elizabeth Noelle Newman 1973; Dennis McQuail 2005.This means that the media should cover and report the issue as objectively as possible to society. It should push for innovation through information. Through the analytical and interpretative rules set up an agenda and direct public consciousness through the building of public consensus. This could…show more content…
The word corruption connotes varied meaning and consequently, it is very complex to define. The United Nations Convention against Corruption points out that it is so multifaceted that it defies a definite definition(Stople,2008).It is not difficult to identify corruption because it involves the minimum of two persons from a particular group in particular location exchanging gifts, items, services or money at the detriment of society(Tansi,1998; Salisu 2000).While Macrae (1982), sees it as ‘’ as an arrangement that involves an exchange between two parties(the demander and the supplier) which (i) has an influence on the allocation of resources either immediately or in the future; and(ii) involves the use and abuse of public or collective responsibility for private ends(p.). It can also be seen the neglect of duty and abuse of social norms (Windsor& Gertz, 2000).Another, in a situation where a banker defrauds a customer by channelling such into his private account or a police officer, manufactures evidence against an innocent victim to get a conviction and corrupt the judicial system. In these cases, those involved acted unilaterally to corrupt the system. A teacher who plagiarises without due recognition of the original work is involved in academic corruption. In…show more content…
It is unfazed by the persecution from government and corrupt politicians. It has fulfilled its duties by publishing new about corrupt people and unethical practices in the country, from the destruction of personal files in the ministry, judiciary, bank heist, armed robbery, advanced fee fraud to the embezzlement of public funds by politicians and top public servants. All these exposures improve good governance and regulate graft in society. Therefore beyond just awareness, it also pushed for consequences and trials of the culprits through investigative and exhaustive journalism. The access to information has given the media the impetus to dig out stories about corruption in Nigeria. The relevance of information is paramount on this fight by the media. The World Bank states that the media is entrusted with a crucial role in presenting an environment that will check corruption and fraud as the press is a powerful means of checking corruption in society. (PREM networks, 1997).This condition is well known in Nigeria. The advent of the new media has also opened a new vista for an all to fight corruption through citizen journalism in the common space. There seems to be a correlation between the media and the extent to which corruption has eaten into the social fabrics in Nigeria. So, the more the press is liberated the more

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