Human Services Professional Analysis

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I believe there are many purposes for the Human Services field. As a Human Services professional, you will help aid families, children and individuals by giving them the, proper tools and equipment to help children and families deal or alleviate stress that comes with life changing events. As a Human Services professional I believe there are many purposes like helping to build stronger communities, empowering individuals and assisting people to live a productive and satisfying life. Working in the Human Services field you will find that there are professional codes of ethics a worker should always adhere by and follow. As a professional Human Services worker, one should never accept gifts of any kind in sexual behaviors or socialize with…show more content…
I try to educate myself on the cultures and really just try to explore the differences; in each client that I come across. My thinking process is based on understanding that everyone is a person first, so therefore it’s not wise or helpful to judge a person. I think it’s important to actually try to understand from my own culture at times, I find it to be very helpful. When I experience having challenges because of my personal beliefs, when I counsel a client. I try to not be judgmental and bias but I must admit the ability to not include my personal opinion which is the most…show more content…
This decision I made has had its fair share of ups and downs from case workers to clients. I have had one bad experience with a Social Worker just not professional and not being there for me as one of her clients care takers. This situation was extremely tough for me as well as my house hold. In my own agency our policy is to meet the needs of the clients if that means that we as Foster Parents / Counselors need to advocate, for a mentor to assist in this process we will do that at least I know I will if that what needs to be done. I’m also aware that we have a mixture of cultures and one family that I have assisted with, is really hard to understand the mother reason being language barrier. This parent has a really strong accent and it’s often really hard to understand her. I have to ask her to repeat herself most times, so I try to plan our meetings around the time when her daughter gets home from school. This way the daughter can help translate. The agency that I work for approves this, only because this family has “Family Therapy” at the

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