Importance Of Measuring In Social Work

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Findings The naive reading revealed that the informants experienced the meaning of managing for results in relation to their own values and beliefs, their profession and the organization they worked within. The lived experiences of managing for results in social work was merged, and when asked about the experience it seemed difficult for the interviewees put words to those experiences. Managing for results seemed to be both an opportunity as well as a something that was, in a way, overwhelming. Furthermore, the interviewed both liked and didn´t like the idea of measuring in social work, nevertheless they were united in their thought that it is difficult to measure work involving human resources working with human resources. Measuring in social work seemed to awaken feelings that the work within the social services today is moving away from the core of social work, being there for people in need. The structural analysis revealed three themes in which theme 1) Having mixed feelings as professional regarding performance measurement in social work- related to the individual, while theme 2) Feeling questioned regarding…show more content…
Almost all informants described a problematic approach emotional, measuring changes within people whilst they had no doubt regarding measuring of quantitative factors. Nevertheless, measuring in social work provokes as the measured is just a snapshot of a complex reality and seldom given a meaning of importance in relation to those in need of social services. All of the informants describes an uncertainty if everything that goes on in social work is possible to measure. A few informants are feeling confident that everything can be measured, the question is just how. However, most of the informants are not as convinced that measurements for results belong in social
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