How Does Religion Promote A Sense Of Unity

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1. Religions strengthened political, economic, and culture ties by providing a sense of unity and giving certain rules and morals to follow. Religions started shaping the empires to follow a specific form of rule that included community bonds and a moral code, this influenced the formation of political structor and social stratification. Religion often was used with political leaders to justify their region. Religion also brought people together, which provided that sense of unity. 2. Religion promote a sense of unity because it brought the people together and helped establish a good comunity that influenced communication. This lead to changes in how things were governed and new ideas in the societies. 3. Judaism was the first Monotheistic…show more content…
Hinduism was a vedic religion that was codified in Sanskrit by 500 BCE. Hinduism transformed into a popular region of salvation, a similar evolution as Buddhism. Hinduism made changes in the Doctrine that connected more with the people. Hinduism was the basis for the caste system and reincarnation. They taught that only through reincarnation and detachment from the world could set an individual free of incarnation. Hindu teachings were said to make life much easier for the lower classes by promising salvation to those who did right and met their caste responsibilities. 5. Universal religion is religions that were spread all around and not just in now area. Universal religions were spread easily and had what they called universal truths. Places that had universal religions were India, China, and Rome, among many. 6. Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gautama around 500 BCE. It taught that desire would lead to suffering, and if you ended your desires you would end your suffering. Buddhism was spread by the help of the Mauryan emperor Ashoka., who adopted the religion around 260 BCE, after the war against Kalinga. The war had made Ashoka saddened by the violence and suffering, and he decided to focus on humanity rather than arms. Buddhism eventually attracted large followings in central Asia, east Asia, and southeast…show more content…
Imperial governments had military power that used a variety of techniques over the large areas. These included, defensive walls, and roads that helped groups of military officers and soldiers. 25. Much of the success of empires was the production of trade and economic expansions by building and maintaining roads. Imperial societies showed different social and economic solutions. Most of the success of empires relied on trade and economic integration. 26. Some unique social and economic characteristics that existed in empires were the social structures of all empires showed some hierarchies that included laborers, slaves, merchants, and caste groups. 27. Cities served as the center of trade, religious values, and political administration for states and empires. Examples of cities that did this were Athens, Teotihuacan, Pataliputra, Persepolis, Carthage, Rome, Alexandria, Constantinople,Chang'an. 28. Imperial societies relied on a system of labor systems to maintain the production of food, slavery, rents, peasant communities. 29. Patriarchy shaped gender and family relations continuously in imperial societies during this

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