Criminal Justice And Deviance

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Deviance is a term used by society to define behaviors that is different from the everyday social norm, this means that majority of people in a society needs to agree or to follow to a certain action or behavior. It’s the first step toward understanding and defining which acts disrupt social norms. The structure of social norms, which may vary from community to community, that’s shows deviance is a social phenomenon. Only norm that violates are found to be most offensive to the community are codified into law and acts on behalf of the criminal justice agencies. Guidelines are created to prevent and or reduce deviance are strictly based on what a community considers to causes deviance. However, criminology is the scientific study of the causes…show more content…
Criminal Justice System crime is certainly a big part of our society, and it even dominates popular culture. however, the police must follow due process which is when enforcers of criminal justice like police officers must operate within the limits of the law. This ensures fair treatment and respect of the rights of the accused, including giving them a chance to defend themselves. Due process is part of the Bill of Rights and it's covered in the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. As such, the government and its representatives must follow the rules to help ensure justice. Another common scenario in so-called 'cop shows' involves a criminal that has been caught but released due to a technicality, such as the arresting officer forgetting to read the offender their rights. This can certainly happen in real life because there are specific procedures that must be followed by the criminal justice system. If even one step is skipped, the arrest could be overturned and the criminal escapes from…show more content…
Similar to deviance, crime is often found in every society. Functionalists point out that crime occurs because members of society find it very difficult to reach total agreement on rules of behavior because no society can force total regulations to its rules or laws to continuously categorize behaviors into right or wrong crime and deviance behavior are like a warning signs an area that needs attention or consideration and could bring about unity in society. Deviants and criminals make us reassess our values and make new rules and laws to protect the
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